A Certain Je Ne Sais Croissant

I've spent the last couple of hours raving to various friends, colleagues and whoever cares enough to watch my Stories on Instagram about the croissant I had this morning, and it's not enough. Must. Enthuse. More. So here is a quick (by my standards) blog about my breakfast. On y va. The day dawned bright... Continue Reading →

Paris is Open

Three years ago, I wrote a blog post entitled Paris is Closed. It was about how, every year, half the city packs up and migrates South (or abroad) for the summer - much like a flock of impeccably dressed birds - and, consequently, a lot of independent shops and restaurants close for several weeks. As... Continue Reading →

Anglaise vs. Eos: Seine-side Sunrise

You'll have to excuse the geeky Greek mythology reference in the title; strange though it may seem, Classics grads don't get to use their degrees too often in real life. If you're not into slightly obscure deities from ancient cultures (though I find it hard to imagine why anyone wouldn't be), Eos is the Greek... Continue Reading →

Oh Crêpe!

Joyeuse Chandeleur ! Nope, that's not a real greeting in french, I just made it up - but any day consecrated to the consumption of crêpes is worthy of one, in my humble opinion. And Chandeleur is exactly that.* It falls on the 2nd February every year, 40 days after Christmas. The french name derives... Continue Reading →

Flying Solo

Solo travel is a special kind of time to yourself, when there’s no obligation or pressure to do anything specific or productive. How often, in the busy balancing act of grown-up life, do we get the opportunity to spend several (waking) hours in total repose, without any guilt or consequences?

Profiting from Paris

*DISCLAIMER* If you're viewing this on a desktop, the formatting might be a little... erratic. It would appear to be a WordPress bug and I can't do anything about it. Sorry. On to the blog post.   There is a genuine possibility that I have just had the most enjoyable Monday that anyone, anywhere has... Continue Reading →

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