Sail away on The Starless Sea

"It drew my eye from across the room — tugging at my attention before I’d even properly registered its presence, like a beautiful stranger in a bar. I wasn’t wrong to judge this particular book by its cover: the cadence of the words inside captured my interest from — and I mean this literally — the very first page. They had a gorgeously, subtly poetic quality. It was intoxicating. I was, immediately, intoxicated."

Lyonnais Love Affair (Part 1/2)

Surprise, surprise, I’m writing this blog post on a train - speeding through the French countryside, direction Paris, somewhere in the vague vicinity of Dijon. It’s a perfect “golden hour”, the rolling wheat fields and villages of tiny terracotta-roofed cottages bathed in the gorgeous glow of the setting sun. I’m reminded of how much I... Continue Reading →

Identity of an Anglaise: “British, BUT-“

As you are quite likely aware, this blog is called Adventures of an Anglaise — “anglaise” being the French word for English girl/woman. But in truth, I’m actually half “anglaise” and half “irlandaise”, and although I've never lived in Ireland, I’ve always identified very closely with that side of my nationality/heritage. It’s not particularly surprising,... Continue Reading →

Paris is Open

Three years ago, I wrote a blog post entitled Paris is Closed. It was about how, every year, half the city packs up and migrates South (or abroad) for the summer - much like a flock of impeccably dressed birds - and, consequently, a lot of independent shops and restaurants close for several weeks. As... Continue Reading →

Anglaise vs. Eos: Seine-side Sunrise

You'll have to excuse the geeky Greek mythology reference in the title; strange though it may seem, Classics grads don't get to use their degrees too often in real life. If you're not into slightly obscure deities from ancient cultures (though I find it hard to imagine why anyone wouldn't be), Eos is the Greek... Continue Reading →

Oh Crêpe!

Joyeuse Chandeleur ! Nope, that's not a real greeting in french, I just made it up - but any day consecrated to the consumption of crêpes is worthy of one, in my humble opinion. And Chandeleur is exactly that.* It falls on the 2nd February every year, 40 days after Christmas. The french name derives... Continue Reading →

Profiting from Paris

*DISCLAIMER* If you're viewing this on a desktop, the formatting might be a little... erratic. It would appear to be a WordPress bug and I can't do anything about it. Sorry. On to the blog post.   There is a genuine possibility that I have just had the most enjoyable Monday that anyone, anywhere has... Continue Reading →

Head Over Heels

This is a short post to announce that, as of last week*, I am now the exceptionally proud and delighted owner of one authentic 1960’s typewriter. For someone who endeavours to fill their life with as many attractive clichés as possible, the mere fact of ownership is enough to please all by itself. The thought... Continue Reading →

Easter in Paris

Joyeuses Pâques! A little late, I know - but as I hope most people were, I was somewhat busy with general Easter merriment over the weekend, and blogging just had to wait. Sorry! Anyway, I hope it isn’t too late for you to be interested in reading about French Easter tradition, because that is what... Continue Reading →

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